Tag Archives: FOX News

Phil Griffin……….Sore Loser?

MSNBC President Wants ‘Investigation’ Into Fox News’ ‘Impossible’ Ratings Gain

Sooooooooooooooo, FOX news beat MSNBC yet again…………and, MSNBC president, Griffin, can’t believe it?

Believe it, Griffin.  You deserve to lose because you already ARE a loser!


Well, you routinely broadcast the Democrats’ talking points almost verbatim.  Your announcers willfully distort Republican comments or plans.  You, virtually never, interview anyone who is a Conservative without your shills mocking them.

Unfortunately, for you and “yours”, the American public is getting tired of being lied to.  They are tired of your misdirections.  And, maybe, just maybe, they are beginning to question your politically motivated assertions.  Maybe they can understand that your lies, your pandering to Lieberal interests and ideas, and your continual misconstruing facts, situations and events is merely you using the public airwaves for your own political goals.

I’m delighted to know that you might finally have paid for your devious broadcasting.  It’s too bad, too sad for you, but very, very glad news — a word you won’t understand — for the American public.



Hatred and Politics

The American public did NOT want the health legislation to pass, but Congress rammed it through anyway.  It’s no surprise that people are angry, frustrated, and just plain overwrought by representatives who did NOT represent their constituents.

Some, unfortunately, have decided to let their legislators know just how much anger there is by sending harsh emails, voice mails, and even a brick through windows.  This violence is NOT limited to Democrats who overwhelmingly voted against the American public.  Eric Cantor, Republican of Virginia, also had damage to one of his buildings.

Hatred in politics is nothing new, especially when an entirely new social order is being foisted on unwilling participants.  What is new is that the Democrats have decided to try to mitigate the anger against their “aye” votes by drumming up new anger against those who use violence to try to show their anger.  If Democrats can change the focus from their forcing national health care on Americans to fearing violence from opponents, then they are halfway to being redeemed in the public’s eye.

However, this is a bogus, and blatantly political response by Democrats.  They have used every dirty trick, every cunning ploy, and even dubious legislative methods to force this bill through.  And, now, they want to play the victim!

Despite their extolling the new health legislation, none of Congress nor the President  are required to participate in the program.  They have their own “special” policy.  How undemocratic is that?

Despite their assurances that the new health legislation would save money, any thinking American knows that you cannot increase a pool of recipients and save money.  No.  Democrats plan taxes that you won’t notice until you check your pension plan….like the 3.8% INCREASE in taxes on dividends which is a 25% increase in total taxes on dividends!

Despite Democrats lamenting the violence, they secretly relish it because they can then extrapolate and attribute such actions to anyone who disagrees with them.  Witness the allegations that teaparty groups “MUST” be responsible!

Hatred in politics in nothing new.  What is new is that the media repeatedly follows the party line of the Democrats all the while denigrating FOX news and the independents and conservatives who are begging for fiscal responsibility.  What is new is that Democrats piously downplay their role in fomenting such reactions and use it as a political ploy to try to save members who voted against the public’s wishes.  Those votes are the source of a great deal of anguish for those of us who will be paying yet again for someone else’s profligate ways and for some, a source of hatred.

Although they are trying to place the blame on others, through their actions and votes,  Democrats and Health care are now  synonymous with Hatred and Politics.



President Obama and his motley crew tried to oust FOX news from Americans’ media diet, but failed.

Now, Democrats are attempting to oust the DRUDGE report from Senate employees’ online diet.  Will this type of censorship succeed?

Hopefully, everyone will read a wide variety of news sources, including the DRUDGE, FOX news, and others,  and this blatant attempt to intimidate staffers into disregarding a valuable online news source will be seen for the political ploy it truly is.

Let’s hope that this type of censorship is not accepted and that this blatant grab for control of Americans’ minds and their right to know is also OUT-FOXED!



President Obama wanted control of the “failing” companies and Wall Street.    He got that through the bail-out plans which, he said, allowed him to create czars who tell the companies how much to pay their employees.  CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC never questioned Obama’s actions even though, constitutionally, there is no power given to the President to regulate salaries or even to fire CEOs as he did.

Obama wanted world adulation.  He got that by running to Europe and criticizing everything American.  Rather than acting like the Commander in Chief, he became the Apologist in Chief!  Rather than explaining how generous the United States has been throughout many, many years, he agreed with everyone who is anti-American.  He is considering allowing the UN — of which we are the main financial support — to dictate policy to us…… and the World Bank — of which we are the main financial support — to control our economy. It’s no wonder he got the Nobel Peace Prize from those who want America and capitalism to fail.   Again, the major networks remain silent.

Obama has a checkered past of associating with people who have radical philosophies and ideals.  Witness his long association with Reverand Wright, Farakhan, and even Van Jones.  These three, and many in Obama’s cabinet, profess views against capitalism and even against the ideals of our country, as expressed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  And, what did CNN, MSNBC, or ABC say about these problems?  They are uniformly silent.

Now, President Obama and his cabinet, and other Democrats, are trying to silence FOX news.  First, they said it wasn’t really fair.  Then, they asked their minions at NBC, CNN, and MSNBC to shun FOX news.  Now, Obama is claiming that FOX news is only opinion, disguised as news.   In a recent speech, Obama also claimed that Republicans “do what they are told.”

And, at the same time, Obama claims to be a unifier!

It is time for journalists to actually BE journalists, not just lackeys of the Democrat party.  Get up and actually do some research rather than regurgitating what the White House gives you. If you study even the few months that Obama has been in office, you will find that he routinely changes his stance, depending on the political climate.

And, remember, power corrupts.  And, absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Take that Obama-Speak and try to decipher whether he is actually right or wrong.  But, don’t just take him at his word because Obama-Speak is a constantly changing language!