Tag Archives: media bias

Trump and the media beast

No honeymoon.  No first 100 days. No good will.  No nuthin’.

That’s what the media beast has given us all in the name of  “journalism”.

Journalism in the good old days used to mean researching a subject, finding reliable sources, checking the facts, rechecking the facts…………..and, yes, rechecking the checking of those facts.  Then, and only then, was that journalist expected to reveal the results of their research to the public.

In the good old days, the public respected what they read in the newspapers.  In the good old days,  we trusted the professionalism of journalists and believed their stories.

But, thanks to the media’s constant attack on Conservative thoughts, Conservatives and, now, President Trump and anyone remotely related to him and his administration,  most of us no longer believe much of anything that the media reports.   Thanks to their relentless misreporting, midirection, and LIES,  it is obvious that their only goal in life is to destroy President Trump and those of us who support him.

Why else would the media go along with the Lieberals who support and promote the violence at so many Trump events?  Why does the media allow Democrats to continually inflate and conflate miniscule events into impending disasters of major proportions?

It’s easy  because you hate the victor.  The media saves face, but the country loses.  It’s diabolical, but the media rationalizes their actions because, after all, the end justifies the means..

So, the media is united.  United against Trump and us.  They lost the  election, but so what?  They now have a mission……………….to destroy the victor in the public opinion.   They lose the public trust, but create chaos in America.  They destroy the lives of anyone who supported President Trump because…………………..they believe it’s only the Deplorables who voted for President Trump.  So what?

So what?  Well, we have to defend ourselves against this media beast.  We take control of what we believe. How?

First, we no longer feed the beast.  We ignore the lies, obfuscations, and scandalous reporting of the biased media.

Secondly, we make sure that we only believe something if we have actually heard it from President Trump, or one of his advisors.  Listen to Trump’s speeches.  Listen to Sean Spicer’s press conferences.  Only believe what your own ears tell you!

This is the only way to  cage the media beast and regain the euphoria that  President Trump’s  victory brought.

Let’s Make America Great again.


News flash: CNN, NBC, an unpaid political advertisement, coming soon!

Well, not actually a news flash….in fact, it’s more of the same-old, same-old garbage that Lieberal media export all the time!

Except for a few, notable exceptions like FOX news, most of the  major networks are in bed with the Democrat party.   Scandals, if they might actually reflect the horrendous decisions by President Obama,  are routinely ignored or dismissed.  Did CNN cover the scandalous murder of Americans in Benghaz?  Not much.  What about other scandals, like the spying by the CIA and every other government agency on American citizens, political cronies nominated to positions of influence, the IRS crushing Conservative groups, the President’s expensive and constant vacations, voter intimidation by the Black Panthers, the DOJ’s constant scrutiny of Conservative states like Texas……..these scandals  are never front page news to these networks.  No, these networks push the Lieberal agenda….and, they push it hard!

That is why the head of AP news syndicate almost swooned when he introduced Obama several years ago.   It is why Amazon owner, Bezos, a fervant Obama supporter, can buy a newspaper and the DOJ does not even investigate whether this will produce a monopoly in the news media.  This bias is why Candy Crowley was the third “man” supporting the Democrat agenda in the Presidential debates of 2008………..and her network never reprimanded her.  Nor did any other lieberal media outlet even notice Crowley’s defense of an Obama lie BECAUSE SHE SUPPORTED THE PARTY LINE!  Media bias is so common that no one seems to notice it any more.

So, it is no surprise that these same, Lieberal networks will be showing the “Hillary Chronicles” .  Wow.  Free advertising to push yet another Democrat.

What is surprising is that Republicans have finally had enough of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and NBC “news” outlets fawning over Democrats.


In a letter to both NBC and CNN, RNC Chair Reince Priebus said that the Party will not allow either network to host primary debates if they go ahead with planned projects surrounding Hillary Clinton.

Congratulations to the Republican Party for standing up to the Lieberal  thugs at these networks. 


Juan Williams

In all the posturing done by NPR about their decision to fire Mr. Williams for voicing his personal opinions, we see politics once again entering the fray.  Why else would they fire Juan and keep the other opinionated people on staff?  Of course, the answer is that the other people with opinions are liberal and liberal opinions coincide with the management’s opinions.

But, knowing that everyone has a personal set of biases, isn’t it to everyone’s benefit that Mr. Williams let you know what his deep feelings are?  That way, when he expresses an opinion, you can weigh the value of his opinions against what you might or might not perceive to be his biases.  Every commentator should have to let us know their personal convictions BEFORE they speak, just as FOX news will introduce people with the caveat “a commentator for FOX news”.

It’s unfortunate that NPR fired Mr. Williams. We seldom agree with his opinions, but have always thought he was fair-minded in his analyses.   But, maybe this incident will begin a debate about how the liberal media conceals their deep-seated biases and pretends to be objective!  Maybe this incident will make the taxpayer reconsider whether tax money should support a lop-sided view of the world…a view, by the way, not held by the majority of Americans.  And, since there is NO constitutional justification to fund any kind of media, maybe public financing for NPR, the National Endowment of the Arts, and other liberal causes, can be cut.

After all, the American taxpayer is suffering from a deep recession, high unemployment, and a loss of hope for the future.   Maybe NPR is not a major component of the total budget deficit, but every penny saved is a penny that the taxpayer doesn’t have to pay out of his own pocket.

And, in THIS economy, we need all the pennies we can get!

Media blunder…?

If you’ve been under a rock and don’t know about the White House dinner story, Read This! Personally, I think the stunt / gag was pretty funny.

Here’s where the media rears its ugly head. Had this been President Bush in the White House the press would have a field day talking about the administration’s incompetence. Instead, the lieberal media comes to Obama’s defense and claims the stunt was wrong and charges be flung at the couple like candy. Had this been with the Bush administration, the media would be lauding the couple for sticking it to President Bush. It’s this double standard in the media I think shows a clear cut example of how bat-shit insane they are.

Another example is the Tiger Woods story. First of all, everyone and their brother are making assumptions and throwing out opinions as on national tv. It’s ok if you want to throw out opinion in the safety of your home, but when you’re in a public forum you can’t decide what the facts are on his personal life or what may have happened. Then watching the Sports Reporters Sunday, Mike Lupica made note that they deserve to know all the details as to where he was going and why, so that they may correctly determine what happened. Until it’s public record, he and everyone else have no right to know what went down.

Maybe Tiger just lost control of his car, maybe there was some personal issues or maybe he was trying to run over a nosy reporter.

If it’s the third option, let’s hope there’s more like him. 🙂

– Mr. Knowledge

Global… erm, global stuff. Yep, “stuff” should encompass all our positions on the topic.

Read This!

Per previous posts, here, here and here.

It’s just ridiculous to assume we, as humans, can change Earth’s climate. The fact that the Earth has gone through it’s own heating and cooling periods without us is proof that we are just a small part of the entire eco-system.

Let’s wait a few years before Obama and the LIEberals start saying we caused global cooling, and claim the Republicans are ignorant for not seeing all the effects.

-Mr. Knowledge

Hurricanes, pestilence, boils, lesions…….

What do all these have in common? 

Well, if you agree with the Lieberal media, you believe that President Bush is to blame for all of them.    Yes, that is how ridiculous the media’s preoccupation with destroying President Bush has become.  Any disaster, no matter the genesis, automatically is laid at the current administration’s door.

Let’s just see how far this madness goes! 

The New Orleans hurricane and its subsequently poor  response were all attributed to Bush, despite his immediate eagerness to provide Federal help which the governor and mayor of those areas initially refused!!   The problems in Africa with genocide and AIDS still are blamed on Bush even though he has provided more American funds to fight AIDS than any of his predecessors.  This week, in an amazing leap of chutpah, the NYTimes reports that Bush’s policies were the genesis of the housing crisis despite Bush’s attempts to rein in the poorly regulated Fannie and Freddie.  

It is very human to want to find a scapegoat for problems rather than to lay the blame where it belongs.  What I find truly amazing, though, is the immediate and zealous condemnation by  almost all the media to blame President Bush.  It would be better if they looked to the Democrats whose governor and mayor refused Federal help when the hurricane struck.  Or, maybe blame the Democrats who ignore the AIDS crisis in Africa while demanding money for all kinds of pork barrel spending.  And, yes, it was Democrats like Dowd, and his ilk, who prevented any kind of increased scrutiny on Fannie and Freddie when it became obvious that these institutions were funding insupportable home loans.   

We will always have natural and man-made disasters…many man-made fiascos  if we continue to ignore the excesses of our legislators.  There will be a price to pay and I sincerely hope that those who truly created many of these problems will pay the price.  In fact, my holiday wish for those people who use their elected positions to further their own financial status is this:  a pox on your house.  And may your greed be rewarded with  hurricanes, pestilence, boils and lesions!

LIEberals and Media Hypocrisy

On a trip this week, I had to listen to some “kid” expound on how much he hated Governor Palin. He used every single insult and slur that the Obama camp has provided, courtesy of the media. If there had been a chance, I would gladly have explained why Senator McCain and Governor Palin are the best choice, but he was not ready to listen, only rant and rave. His ignorance is a direct result of the media letting Democrats trash any and every conservative thought, person, or issue.

Since Governor Palin is obviously MORE qualified than Senator Obama, it befuddles me that the media lets the Lieberals (spelling intentional) continue to throw out nasty comments without any challenges. How can the head honchos allow this constant, repetitious, and nauseating bias to continue? I don’t understand it.

Nor did I understand the venom of this kid. I support Senator McCain and Governor Palin, but I do not hate the Democrats. He absolutely hates Republicans. It is unfortunate that he couldn’t see the hypocrisy of his stance because he kept ridiculing Governor Palin’s executive experience and yet he had no problem with Senator Obama’s complete lack of ANY experience, other than raising money!

That’s being a complete LIEberal!

It’s the issues, Stupid!

Ah, yes, the good old days when the voting public actually studied the issues of the day.  Ah, the good old days when the media actually reported the news of the day, and not their biased view of current events.  And when you could discuss politics and the word “racist” never occurred!

Nowadays, unless you agree to vote for the Democratic nominee, you are considered racist.  Forget the fact that you like Senator McCain and Governor Palin for their personal standards of morality, their views on Iraq, or their views about protecting all Life.

Under the guise of political correctness, a new standard of racism has appeared and it is directly linked to the black community.  The liberal elite promote the notion that only whites can be racists, but that is absolutely not true.  In fact, anyone who accepts that “all” blacks will vote for Obama BECAUSE HE IS HALF BLACK is condoning such racism   Any honest person knows that there is virtually NO candidate who will garner 95%, or more, of a single constituency.  Yet, even the liberal media admits that blacks are expected to vote for Senator Obama almost exclusively.  And, almost every African American questioned  will deny that they are voting for the Democrat because he is half- black.   Oh, no.  The black community is in complete agreement with the issues presented by Senator Obama.

Well, that hypocricy was completely exposed by a simple series of interviews conducted by a radio station in Harlem.  When the station presented Senator McCain’s stance on issues, but pretended that these were Obama’s beliefs, the people questioned said they were quite happy with the issue!  So much for voting for the Democratic nominee because of his views!

Here is the proof, if you care to listen:
