Tag Archives: media bias

Vested Interests and Mr. Woodward

Have you noticed all the books jumping into the political limelight?

Did you realize that this is “high tide” for the upcoming elections?

Is there any better time to sell an expose in book form?

Almost everyone knows the answers to the above, but can you answer this? Why is everyone hawking the new Woodward book as though it had been received on stone tablets? Why is no one questioning the tenets of this book? Why does everyone assume Mr. Woodward is right?

It is obvious that the release is timed to make money off the political season’s voracious appetite. It is equally obvious that another tell-all book, featuring purported misdeeds by Republicans, will be the Grand Marshall of the Democratic “hit” parade.

What is not obvious is why so many otherwise literate media have pounced on this book as though it were gospel. No one seems to doubt a single word that is written in this book. Maybe the book is true. Maybe it is not.

Before we swallow this story whole, there should be a long and arduous questioning period. No one should assume that Mr. Woodward is a benevolent, all seeing guru who has all the answers especially when he has a vested interest in the success of this book. Maybe that influence some of what he wrote, maybe not. But, let’s check his facts before we give him a pass.

After all, Mr. Woodward doesn’t have a lot of reasons to help the President. But, Mr. Woodward might have lots of reasons to write a book that challenges the President…..and many of those reasons likely will soon be in the bank account of Mr. Woodward.

Privacy and the public’s right to know

Today, the press are avidly reporting about the personal life of an NFL player. You all know whom I am speaking of because the reports are the “news of the day”.

Who cares if someone else’s personal life is ripped to shreds? After all, this player is notoriously difficult to deal with. He is not a “nice” man, according to some.

We all should care.

First, the news reports could be erroneous. Medicine can have strange reactions on any of us. Sometimes aberrant behaviour is merely the body’s attempt to cope with a new chemical imbalance, often caused by drugs — and, yes, even prescribed drugs can have this effect.

Secondly, EVERYONE deserves to have their privacy, especially their medical privacy, guarded. This is a story about an individual and the problem is not linked to the public’s safety at all. Whether a police report contains such information or not, some information does not belong in the public domain. This story is one of them.

Thirdly, where is the advantage to the public, or individual, by the reporting of this story? If this person did attempt suicide, the public humiliation is not going to help him out of his depression. If the person did NOT attempt suicide, this story forever taints the player’s reputation. The only person helped by revealing this news is the reporter himself (or herself).

How terrible that someone disregards another person’s rights to privacy, possible future health, and even career, in a frantic drive to be “first” to break a purported tragedy! In this case, the public’s right to know is dwarfed, or should be, by the victim’s right to deal with this issue in his own time and way.

Whether it becomes public knowledge simply by appearing on the police blotter is immaterial. All of us should consider whether our demand for such stories is worth the cost to the human being suffering the tragedy.

Shame on our legal system for not protecting the privacy of every citizen from career-driven reporters.

Shame on the media for promoting this story with such gleeful avidity.

Shame on us for not telling the media to keep their nose out of someone’s private misery.

Discretion, Common sense and Self control

Why can’t the media show a little discretion, common sense and self control?

Yes, freedom of speech guarantees the media’s right to publish pretty much anything. Yes, the American public has a right to know what is happening here and in the world. And, yes, the Iranian president is coming to the UN.

But, knowing that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons and that Amandinejad is fervantly anti-Israel, why not use some discretion in reporting his visit? Banish the news article to a back page somewhere — like the classifieds! Why let a monster have the benefit of such wide and generally positive media exposure? Discretion is still the better part of valor.

Common sense tells us that publicity strengthens his hateful message and everytime he appears on tv, or in print, he wins a little. Common sense questions why Russia, China, and even Germany, are afraid to confront this mid-east beast. Ask why anyone continues to pretend that Iran’s arguments are logical when everyone knows that a nuclear Iran would be a threat to world peace. Ask the UN and Annan why they want to strengthen Iran? If any of them are honest, they all seek to weaken America and Israel in order to improve their own status in the world community. Common sense says that these are questions the media should be, but are not, asking.

Knowing this, where is the media’s self control in selecting headlines? Where is the media of yesteryear who were instrumental in defeating America’s enemies through their judicious reporting? Where is the media who would choose not to publish headline which only serve the career of the journalist? Self control by the media has served our country well in the past, and could be important in our war against terror.

We should not only expect but demand that the media develop some discretion, common sense and self control. Supporting America should be the mantra of our media! Otherwise, soon that media, and perhaps the world, will be in the same position as the Iranian media — under the thumb of a cruel, aggressive, bigoted dictator.

Who’s responsible?

The American public is dissatisfied with their Congress, according to the media. I believe that NO ONE truly knows what the American public believes until the actual votes are counted and I resent anyone, especially the media, telling me that I SHOULD believe this or that. As an educated woman, I am fully capable of reading about the issues and deciding for myself. Certainly others are, too. It is important to remember that what is important to Americans today might not be what they asked for earlier. And, although, much of the media fervently wants us to believe that Republicans have done a bad job, consider the following.

When President Bush first took office, the economy was considered of paramount importance. Thanks to timely tax cuts, the economy has surged. Unemployment is lower and housing is up. The economy is roaring along, despite many obstacles along the way. Does the media remember who was in charge of this economic enthusiasm?

President Bush and his policies were responsible.

After 9/11, the media was abuzz with the immediate need for increased security inside the United States and world wide. Almost everyone agreed that our government should take every step to apprehend and destroy terrorists and to prevent another terrorist attack. TV news commentators discussed little else.…… until it was decided that somehow, somewhere, someone had to be at fault for the attack. Then, the hunt was on for whom to blame for the purported lapse in security. After all, the “American public” demanded to know who was responsible.

The terrorists were responsible.

Our armed forces reported to duty. Saddam Hussein was captured. There have been no further attacks within our country. Iraq is building a Democracy. And, the media was temporarily captivated by these stories until it was decided that too much credit was being attributed to President Bush’s policies. But, who was responsible for immediately deploying American troops and every asset available to destroy the terrorists?

President Bush was primarily responsible.

Hurricane Katrina ravaged many parts of the south. The Federal government offered aid only to have it refused by various Democrat state officials until the devastation had begun and it was difficult to move help in. Who was primarily responsible for not working with the Federal Government?

Look closely at the governor and mayor of the state which suffered so much destruction to see who is responsible.

Look to President Bush to see who immediately pledged Federal help.

Now, the media is exclaiming, with considerable glee, that the Republicans are going to suffer huge campaign losses this Fall. If the voters would truly consider where the blame or credit should really lie in all these national emergencies, it is obvious that President Bush has faced huge challenges from terrorism and natural disasters. At every turn, he has immediately offered as much aid as he could through Federal resources and even with his personal attention. He has visited innumerable families of fallen soldiers. He has kept the plight of the south at the forefront of his agenda, despite the constant barrage of criticism the attention brings.

Every American citizen should be proud of the efforts our government has made under the leadership of President Bush. In every instance, he has chosen the moral high ground and has exerted considerable effort to keep America safe and prosperous. Who is responsible for the current comfort zone we all share in America today?

President Bush is responsible.

It is time for the voters to stop listening to the rabid media who constantly reinvent the “issue of the day”. Remember that the media has a vested interest in drumming up stories. Many times, their personal biases and personal need for air time lead them to hype stories rather than just reporting the facts. It is time for voters to rediscover why they elected President Bush and Republican legislators. So, who is responsible for deciding the best candidate for any of the senate or congressional jobs being voted on this Fall?

Only the voters should be responsible!

From : The Mom Team

Lagot Satire

This is a good 2-way article. I’m going to write this like I am a liberal. What’s funny about this is, liberals are going to go, oh yeah, he’s right. But convo’s are going to just be, wow libs suck.

Global warming started around 2001 when GWB cheated on votes and stole the election. Not only did he steal the election, but he’s been lying and cheating the American people since he took office. He started a recession as soon as he took office and he mastermined 9/11 in the 8 months he was in office. Also, instead of doing peace talks with Iraq, he had to cowboy in and start a war. Hillary and John Kerry were given false information that the president made up. Saddam really was a nice person, who took care of his people. Those torture chambers were put there by Rumsfield and Karl Rove so that Bush would look like he was right. Bush created hurricane Katrina because he hates black people. He is also an alcoholic and Rummy is a coke addict. These are the things I know to be 100% true, because someone told me to think like this.

Blame Bush.

-Mr. Knowledge