Tag Archives: obama

Genetic diversity and Intelligence

Ever since Jimmy the Greek lost his popularity because he claimed that Blacks had a physical advantage due to a quirk in their genetic makeup, it has been difficult to talk about genetic diversity among the races. The subject has always been rejected as “racism” even when some facts, like sickle cell anemia, being a “black” problem, are indisputably related to race.

However, Michael Barone  writes about a genetic study that “proves” there IS a difference in intelligence between the races.  But, as if to excuse the temerity in agreeing with the gist of the study, Mr. Barone offsets the idea that Asians, as a group, might be more intelligent than Caucasians and whites more intelligent than Blacks with the fact that an individual of any race could be smarter than an individual of another race. Of course, that is true. However, as proof of that, he offers how smart former President Obama is. The correlation is that a black man, Obama, is very smart so the genetic study is NOT trying to condemn all blacks as less intelligent. But, why use Obama as an example of a smart black man? Where is the proof of that?

It is obvious why the media and Libs would promote that theory as one of the “many” reasons Obama was elected. However, according to Obama himself, he was a mediocre student. I’ve read several articles that claim he was not only a mediocre student, but a lackluster assistant professor and then, an even more ordinary Senator. Despite this, we are told that Obama was “smart”. Where is the proof that he was/is smart? He, and his university, refuse to release his grades which might prove how intelligent he was.

So, maybe Obama is super smart. Maybe he is not. My complaint is that the media continue to promote him as a very smart guy when there is little factual basis for that claim.

There are any number of black people who better deserve the accolade of being very smart. Better examples of blacks who are smart might have included Justice Clarence Thomas or Condaleeza Rice or Charles Payne or Dr. Carson. But, other than having had the luck to be the right black man at a given time in history does NOT make Obama a smart man. It makes him lucky, but not smart. And, by using him as an example, it seems to do an injustice to those blacks who are, indeed, very smart. And, who by the way, earned their titles through their own effort and brain power….and did not rely upon the luck of their draw.

Who’s to blame for America’s problems?

I say the answer is President Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Why?  Well, why is there so much conflict in America?  Why do many blacks feel they have the right to riot and rampage?  Why do we law-abiding citizens not demand that criminal acts be punished?

Why wasn’t the election of our first black President a healing time?

Well, I believe that the first problem for and with President Obama is that he self-identifies as “black” when, in fact, he is as much white as he is black.

Secondly, he creates the impression of racial injustice by injecting himself into situations which should  be matters for the court system.  In case after case, he automatically chooses to believe the black.

Justice is supposed to be blind; and, as a lawyer, Obama was taught that mantra.  As President, he is required to be impartial.  But, Obama has failed that principle.  He  unconditionally supports whoever is  black.  And, by taking sides, he prevents the processes that lead to true justice.  By saying that a certain man could have been his son or saying that  the police were wrong or to continue the narrative that blacks in America are mistreaten, downtrodden, or somehow have failed to receive a fair shake, is to create an environment that fosters discord.

The targeting of whites in Milwaukee by blacks is symptomatic of a President who has failed to challenge all Americans to respect the rights of others and to follow the rule of law.  The killing of police officers is a result of Obama’s public disrespect for those men and women who risk their lives to defend ours.  Obama’s disastrous apologies for America’s might which was bought with the red blood of countless Americans, be they black, white or any shade of the rainbow, has decimated our military and allowed foreign powers to kill countless Americans and helpless innocents in other countries.

Obama, and now Hillary, seek to empower themselves politically and financially by dividing our citizens rather than uniting us for a strong America.  They enrich themselves all the while punishing successful businesses and individuals.  They have no respect for traditional American institutions and certainly no respect for our Constitution.

Obama and Hillary conflate every situation for their own benefit.  They routinely use hyperbolic language to denigrate the opposition and the media never questions their statements nor their motives.   They repeat lies even though the lies are demonstrably false and the media refuse to question those lies.  Obama and Hillary have used their positions of power to their own advantage and to the detriment of the American taxpayer.  And, the media sits at their feet, drooling like the most patient labrador retriever.

If only we could tell Obama and Hillary to “sit and heel”, maybe we could avert the sure disaster that these two are driving us towards.  Unfortunately, until the media begins delving into Hillary’s relationship with the Clinton Foundation and how foreign governments bought favors from her while she was Secretary of State, we can expect more shenanigans and more disgrace for our beloved country.

So, who is to blame for the racial strife and chaos that accompanies that strife?

None other than Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Their legacy will be a weaker America. Their legacy will be the death of more Americans.  Their legacy will be more and more strife, and grief for our America!

Hillary escapes charges by FBI

Is anyone surprised that the FBI did NOT charge Hillary Clinton?

If so, you shouldn’t be.  After all, Hillary has used her position of power to avoid endless potential criminal charges.  And, now, she has a Democrat President, a Democrat-appointed Attorney General, and, a friendly media, who all conspired to save her once again from herself and her horrible deeds.

Just because there have been “little” guys charged for far less, don’t expect the establishment’s chosen to pay for her crimes.

Hillary……Obama…….and, now, the FBI…………..all synonyms for “power to the powerful” club!


Honor among thieves?

Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Loretta Lynch……..and, the list goes on and on.


In this PC world, you couldn’t call them “thieves” because, it might hurt their feelings!  The PC crowd has their Crown Prince in  President Obama who has infamously declared, felons are no longer felons and illegal aliens are no longer to be dubbed “illegal”.

Still, what do you call someone who is stealing your right to bear arms?  What label do you put on someone who wants to steal your income and future well being through the euphemism of “fair” taxation?  What category would you place our Justice system when the Powers-that-be , i.e., Lynch, Clinton, and Obama, are conspiring to prevent an honest assessment of Hillary Clinton’s criminal acts?

Any one of us would already be handcuffed and awaiting trial if we had done what Hillary did with her private email server.  And, that doesn’t even hold Hillary accountable for a myriad of other dubious, if not criminal, situations — remember Whitewater, Vincent Foster’s ignominious death, the stealing of the White House silverware, enabling a sexual pervert (oh, yes, Bill is a pervert and deserved to be jailed for his perversions), libeling the women who accused Bill Clinton…………the list goes on and on.  And, these are just the horrible things we know about!

So, how can anyone so “morally challenged”, to state it in the most PC terms available, continue to NOT be accused in any of these crimes?

It’s all part and parcel of the Establishment’s “honor among thieves”.

Hillary continues on her path to the Presidency because it serves the interests of those already in power.  They are a clique that doesn’t care what their fellow members do or say because that maintains the “cabal’s” power over the rest of us.

Years ago, my mother-in-law taught me this lesson when we were discussing how someone we knew did not require a contract when beginning a business with a friend.  It turned out to be a disastrous ending to the business, and friendship;  but, how, I wondered, was that person so stupid as to not require a contract?

Because, she said, if you are an honorable person, you expect everyone else to be honorable!

The corollary to her statement is that, if you are a dishonorable person, you expect others to be dishonorable!

This is especially true in politics where even a rogue politician is supported by his party until they absolutely have to cut him loose.  Republicans tend to throw bad members out as soon as the bad behaviour is discovered.  Democrats try to convene the “herd” around the member who is being challenged.  Democrats will protect even the worst Democrat just to provide party unity.  Forget that this hurts the American public.  Forget that it is illegal to give aid to a crime.  Forget that Hillary is one of the worst offenders.

She will probably never have to answer for all her corrupt behaviour.  Why?  Because she has two of the most powerful people in the world “at her back”.




It’s a CRYING shame!

Crying is a natural human reaction to many different events.  Babies cry when they are tired, wet, hungry, lonesome………..or, just to get attention.

The rest of us often cry for the same reasons, or maybe for joy, shock………..or, just to get attention.

President Obama is no different than the rest of us and, I assume that like me or my family, he cries in private, too.  Usually, though, he has not cried in public.  He didn’t cry when Al Quiada beheaded a journalist, nor the multitude of others similarly murdered.  All those Christian men lined up on a beach and systematically and ruthlessly beheaded were not enough to make Obama cry in public.  The massacre at Charlie Hebdo did NOT make Obama cry.  The random and relentless assassination of Parisians did NOT make Obama cry.  Even his cause celebre of climate change did NOT make him cry.

But, gun control?  Well, that made him cry.

He pretended that he wants gun control to stop the tragedies that occur when someone guns down helpless people in restaurants, or any public place.  Those horrendous occasions cause all of us to cry.  The difference between Obama and most of us is that we don’t blame the gun.  We blame the person shooting the gun.  Murdering a group of people is always a cause for grief, but it does not make us want to ban the weapon.  After all, when suicide bombers drive into a United States barracks, setting off their bombs and killing our sons and daughters, Obama does not call for us to ban cars, or limit who can have a car……..NOR does he cry!

I believe that his tears in this particular public forum did come partially from sadness.  The loss of loved ones is absolutely a reason to cry.  But, I also believe that he went out of his way to cry for political purposes.  Why is there this pessimistic view of Obama’s tears?   Because he did NOT cry for other mass tragedies, it is out of character for him to cry in this instance.  The obvious conclusion is that his tears served some ulterior purpose and, I believe that purpose was to create the impression that gun control is so important that even the President of the United States cries   in public about it.  Trying to appear emotionally engaged on an issue is not a new tactic for Democrats.  Remember when Hillary Clinton cried in public,?  Her poll numbers went up, thanks to the media reporting those tears as proof that Hillary was a “truly wonderful and emotionally engaged woman”.

Ironically, when another politician cried in public, he was insulted and derided for not being able to control his emotions.  The media claimed that THAT politician was an immature hack and unqualified to hold his position.  That politician, of course, was Republican Representative Boehner, the Speaker of the House.

Why is it that both men, and Hillary,  cried in public and, yet, the media’s reaction is so different?

Obama was lauded for feeling so deeply about an issue.  Hillary tears were proof that she was not the robot she appeared to be.  Boehner was characterized as a buffoon and, according to the media, his lack of control of his feelings made him not worthy to hold the Speakership.

The plain truth is that the media never lets a “tragedy go to waste”, as Rahm Emmanuel once infamously said.  And, politician’ tears are just so useful in advancing a point of view.

It’s no wonder that the American electorate increasingly believes that the media has leaned so far to the left and Lieberalism that the media no longer recognizes honest men and women nor honest emotions.  The media manipulates issues, reports, and even TEARS to enable Lieberals to continue taking more power, money, and control of our lives.  Lieberals do NOT believe in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness………….unless THEY can define those Constitutional guarantees.   They now even “define” tears.

So,  it’s no wonder that the American electorate senses that we need a new President, like Trump or Cruz, or Rubio, or Christie, or Fiorina.  We need men and women in politics who are honest….honest with themselves and honest with us.  We do NOT need another President who manipulates policy or their public persona to gain political stature, as the Obama and the Clintons have done on multiple occasions, or who use emotions to further their agenda.

It’s too bad that the Democrats can’t find at least one, solid, honest person to run for President.  They rely upon a woman who has been involved in scandal after scandal, from Whitewater, to Foster’s death, to the multitude of women whom have been sexually abused by Governor and then President Clinton and, the women who have been consistently abused by Hillary in her attempts to disguise, hide, and minimize her husband’s sexual perversions.

It’s easy to understand a baby’s tears and even for us to understand and empathize with adults crying.  And, if those abused women cry, we would surely understand.  But, to see Obama or Hillary get teary eyed in public is just an obvious, and sickening, ploy for political gain.  Whether the media can bring themselves to couch the big O’s or the Big Hill’s tears as just another useful tool in their political tool box is unlikely.  More likely is that the media will laud them for their tears and pretend that the tears makes these politicians real people.

We should not fall for that lie.  If we do, THAT would be a real CRYING SHAME!


Obama — Hypocrite in Chief!

In recent days, those awful videos of Planned Parenthood aborting and then harvesting organs from innocent babies have disgusted anyone with even a shred of decency.  No matter the euphemism cited, there is absolutely NO excuse or rationale to kill innocent babies and then harvest their “salable” parts!  To accept those specious arguments is not only immoral;  but, to me, the height of hypocrisy.

Last night on the Five at Five, Greg Gutfeld explained why even the “it would be a shame to let the body parts ‘go to waste'” is a disingenuous and fallacious argument.  He said that, for there to be “value in waste”, there must first be something of value.  In an abortion, that “something valuable” would be the murdered baby.

As most of you know, Obama has never been one of my favorite people.  I think he has done more damage to our country and the nation’s moral compass than even I feared.  Nevertheless, there are many who maintain that he is a “good” man and a “good” husband and father.  Maybe he is.  However, I find it difficult to believe him a good man when he ardently supports Planned Parenthood and the mass murder of all those babies every year, using OUR tax dollars to do so.  Even if you ONLY accept the mantra that “Black Lives Matter”, then, how can you accept that thousands of black babies are aborted each year ?  It is illogical, and hypocritical, to suggest that both philosophies are compatible with a decent, Christian, or just humane society.

So, I do not hold Obama in high regard.  But, even I am shocked by the blatant hypocrisy of his condoning abortions, and the subsequent harvesting of the infants’ organs and even entire bodies; and then, pontificating on the horrors of killing albinos in Africa  for a similar purpose.  I agree that the Africa murders are horrific.  But, how can the murder of all those poor, little babies be acceptable?

Anyway, to Obama, killing albinos is “dehumanizing” and killing babies is okay.  Here is the great man, Obama, proving he is the world’s most famous hypocrite.


Obama: Killing Humans And Harvesting Their Organs Is An Atrocity That Must End

President Barack Obama told a group of young African leaders on Monday that harvesting organs from humans that are killed as part of an African ritual was “craziness” and a “cruel” tradition that needed to stop. He warned of dehumanizing marginal groups of humans and of the problems that arise when “you are not able to see someone else as a human being.”

Obama — a Slave to a Lie

Selma THEN — History.

Selma NOW  – a continuation of a false narrative.

Obama says that the White House was built by “us” — slaves!


Nothing could be further from the Truth….but, as my Dad used to say….it makes a good story!

Actually, the White House might have been built with blacks and they might have been slaves.  Every nation has had, and some still do have,  slaves.  Slavery was a shameful epoch which politicians trot out every time they want to create a divide between today’s Blacks and the rest of us Americans.  Obama relies on this Lie whenever he is in political difficulties.  And, with all the scandals that have evolved during his tenure, I can see why he would want to make Blacks think they are the aggrieved party and deserve MORE….of whatever. Class warfare and racist rhetoric have always been his bread and butter.

Still, it is unfair to label today’s Americans as racist for what happened before they were born.  Today, we are supposed to be ashamed of our ancestors for keeping slaves;  but, our grandparents lived in a different culture.  It is unfair to judge them by today’s standards.  And, through affirmative action, and the growth of our collective consciousness, Blacks have become an integral part of our country and culture.  There really are no limits to what ANY citizen can accomplish, if he/she only tries.  That is a Truth exemplified in many Blacks who have “made it” by their own efforts, and some through affirmative action.  Look at Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court Justice.  Look at Charles Payne of FOX Business Channel.  Look at Thomas Sowell, a highly regarded economist.  Look at all of the Blacks who have succeeded:  Condaleeze Rice;  Colin Powell;  Tiger Woods, etc. The list is endless.   There is  just no limit to what a person, of any color, can do in America.So, why perpetuate the myth that Blacks are still being discriminated against?  Well, it makes for an easy “out” for those who rely upon the Government to make others pay for what one person has failed to do.

Yes,  today’s generation of Blacks should be cognizant of their ancestors’ sacrifices.  And, yes, some of those ancestors were slaves.  However, today’s Black citizens are NOT, and NEVER HAVE BEEN slaves!   And, today’s Blacks did NOT build the White House.  Black citizens, like White citizens and Asian citizens and every other ethnic citizen, have accomplished great things in our country.  But, it is a LIE EXTRAORDINAIRE to claim that today’s Blacks live in the same culture as slaves did.  And, it is unfortunate that Obama continues to divide the nation into Black and White.  When he perpetuates that lie, he always continues the LIE  that being Black in America automatically means being a “have not” while  being White means you are not only a “have”, but that you have contributed to the suppression of Blacks.

When I was a child and faced adversity, my parents would tell me to “get over it and get on with it”.  Obama, who is the recipient of America’s largesse, should be telling all Americans, including Blacks, to “get over it and get on with it!”  He should NOT be dividing Blacks from Whites, just to get a political advantage.

So, saying that “WE”, meaning today’s Blacks, built the White House is not only laughable, but it is a LIE.

Harking back to Obama’s own words,  “If the White House was built, We  — TODAY’S BLACKSDID NOT BUILD IT.


Netanyahu and Obama

Netanyahu and Obama

Both are heads of state.

Both are used to speaking publicly.

Both will, or have, given speeches in our House of Representatives this year.

And, there, they diverge.

President Obama gave a political speech, his SOTU,  to try to placate his leftist allies; and, while he was at it, insulted Conservatives once again, AND promised to spend more money for a variety of “worthy” causes.  There were no explanations of how to pay for all his generosity with OUR tax dollars.

Netanyahu will speak to the same Congress.  He will describe Israel’s place in an unfriendly world and how he hopes to protect his fellow citizens.  He will probably thank America for its past help.  He will explain how he sees Israel’s relationship with America and how he hopes to remain our best ally in the middle East.

Having an ally as a guest is good for America.  But, the White House’s “anonymous” sources say that President Obama is furious that Netanyahu did not say “Captain (Obama), may I come?” before the media heard of the upcoming speech.

The White House churlishly refuses to even meet with Netenyahu while he is here justifying that by saying that it is a “spit in the face” to not ask their permission.  Do they remember spitting in Netanyahu’s face when they unceremoniously ushered him out the back door of the White House on a previous visit?  Whose House is the House of Representatives anyway?  Why, it is OUR House.  And, if the Speaker of the House invites a guest to speak, that is his right.  Whether it is a head of state, or not, is immaterial.  And, no matter what Obama says, his nose is out of joint because he expected Boehner and Netanyahu to kow tow to him, NOT make their own decisions!  Obama is, to put it colloquially, acting like a JERK!

We should have seen this coming because Obama has never been a uniter.  He continually sets one economic class against another in his bid to get his own way on entitlement programs.  He said he would make all of us feel “American”.  Instead, he has played the race card over and over, dividing Americans into black and white — quite often before the facts prove there was no racial animus involved.  He repeatedly uses divisive, insulting  language against Conservatives or Conservative thoughts;  and then, whines that the Republicans aren’t willing to work with him.  He has even divided the world into two armed camps by reinforcing the demands of the Arab world, always at the expense of Israel.

So, let this Grandmother give President Obama a lesson in manners.  First, always make sure your words are tender because you might have to eat them some day. Always be the “better man” and welcome everyone, including those whom you disagree with.  And, always remember that you are NOT a monarch.  YOU are the President of the United States and should act as a Head of State, NOT a whining, spoiled brat.  You have bowed and scraped to almost every world leader you ever met which embarrassed Americans immensely.  Why not swallow your pride and, at least, make an effort to be a gracious host to one of our best allies in the world?

Remember, Mr. Obama.  You represent America, NOT a political faction.  And,  it serves America better to keep allies close and friendly than to openly create yet another divide between friends.

If you forget everything else, please remember this.  There are many countries and peoples who hate America and want to destroy her.  Netanyahu, and Israel, do not.  They are friends.





What is a “fair share” ?

President Obama came into the presidency as an inexperienced, unaccomplished, and unabashed Lieberal.  And, he reached that pinnacle,  not by his own efforts, but through someone else’s efforts.  In fact, most of the benefits he received were the result of affirmative action and the efforts of  many others.

So, it’s no wonder that he is trying to redistribute wealth in America.  After all, it worked for him.  Besides, giving away money, especially when it isn’t yours, must be a lot of fun. I would love to give away millions, if it were someone else’s;  but, unfortunately, when you or I donate, it comes out of our own wallet……..and, it comes out AFTER you pay the income taxes, gasoline taxes, fees, etc., that today’s welfare society requires.   Still, Obama doesn’t worry about that because, you see, unlike you and I, Obama has never had to pay his own way.

Obama has always taken the easy (lazy) way out.  He was a mediocre student in college by his own admission, favoring the Choom Gang.  He was a mediocre senator voting present countless times rather than making a tough call on bills.  And, even in his Presidency, he twists and turns every which way to avoid making any difficult decisions.  Red lines?  Forget them.  Supporting allies (Israel)?  Forget that!  Destroying terrorism?  Forget that.

Because, you see, it is so much easier to pretend that you are being conciliatory to promote peach, goodness, and the American dream than realizing that tough decisions are the result of blood, sweat and tears.

So, it is natural for Obama to lecture us about the rich paying their fair share despite multiple studies proving that the “rich” pay more in taxes, both in a percentage of the total tax burden, and in absolute dollars.

Besides, what is a fair share?  I fear Obama’s view is that “fair share” means whatever is politically needed at a given moment in time.  Forget that Equality in opportunity, NOT results, is what the Constitution promises.

His idea of fair share seems to be an America where he grabs all your income and redistributes it to his buddies.  Never mind that you worked for it, built it, and earned it.  HE WANTS IT ALL!

I ask you.  Is THAT fair?




President Obama — Grubering Americans

We’ve seen scandal after scandal from Obama and his cronies.  NSA spying on Americans.  IRS stunting the development of Conservative non-profit organizations.  Lois Lerner responsible for harassing Conservatives and then, hiding behind the Fifth Amendment.  The IRS pretending to research Lois Lerner’s email accounts and finally, admitting they had not.  Our Ambassador and the brave security officers being killed in Benghazi and Obama claiming it was due to a video.  The Fast and Furious gun running debacle which killed at least one American.  Attorney General Holder refusing to provide Congress with supoened information.  The Obama administration repeatedly raising the specter of racism, even when none was warranted. And, on and on!

In fact, there are so many lies, subterfuges, obfuscations, and misdirections from our current President  that most Americans can’t even remember what yesterday’s scandal was!

There is no excuse, except the media’s complicity in hiding the Truth, for Obama to have gotten away with even one of the scandals.  All scandals are horrific and should be condemned.  However, knowing that Obama and his staff deliberately lied to Americans  about  Obama-Scare  because they knew it would not pass otherwise is criminal.  If Professor Gruber had not been caught  on video describing all these criminal acts, perhaps Obama would have gotten away with it.  After all, the media can be counted on to support Obama and to run interference for him against anyone who would question his acts and decisions.

Now we have a whistleblower in Gruber, even though he wishes otherwise.  Now we have Gruber, who was at the center of the formation of Obama-Scare, and who has admitted to deliberately lying to the American voter.  Now, we have video which provides an inner window into the machinations of a corrupt administration and corrupt Democrats in both the Senate and House.

And, what happened when the Truth about Obama-Scare and its corrupt formation was revealed?  What happened when one liar, Gruber, was outed by his own words?  Suddenly, no one in Washington knows Professor Gruber!  It is almost humorous to watch Obama and all his minions like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi squirm as they try to separate themselves from Gruber.  Unfortunately for them, there is video of them bragging Gruber and his policies up. When they needed his professional “expertise”,   Gruber was the economic guru they trotted out to support their views.  Now, when the lies are obvious, Gruber is their least favorite economist…….well, he would be IF THEY KNEW WHO HE WAS.  Ha ha.

Still, President Obama pushes on with his agenda.  He ignores all the scandals to foist yet another tragedy upon our country.  And, that tragedy is to go around Congress and implement his own version of immigration.

Saying that the system is broken and must be fixed is NOT  enough to warrant his rewriting the immigration laws.

Saying that Congress has had enough time to fix the law and has not does NOT justify his rewriting the immigration laws.

Saying that he has the right to implement executive orders is NOT Constitutional.

As a professed Constitutional scholar, he should know that Congress writes the laws.  His job is to accept or  veto those laws.  And, if Congress overrides his veto, and he still disagrees, then the Courts are to judge the merits of the law.

President Obama was RIGHT when he repeatedly claimed that, as President, he did NOT have the right to use Executive powers to change the immigration laws.

President Obama is WRONG when he now maintains that he has the ability to change those same immigration laws.

I wonder how Obama intends to deceive Americans about this about face in his thinking?  I’m sure he’ll find a way to lie his way out of any complications.  After all, when he needed someone to find a way “around” the American people on Obama-Scare, he found Gruber.

He had no problem lying to us before.  Why should he worry about Grubering  us once again?