Tag Archives: Obama-scare

The Unconstitutional United States Supreme Court

The Supreme court was created to make sure that everyone, including the President, Congress, and all citizens follow the Constitution.

They were to be the arbiters of what is “Constitutional” or what is “Unconstitutional”.

Instead, the Supreme Court is now a hotbed of political partisanship and worries about whether a law or executive order will “affect” our American citizens or, whether if , as Ruth Bader Ginsberg is quoted as saying,  “….the American people are ‘ready” for gay marriage”.

How far the Justices have come from the ideal of judging laws and issues, based on the simple criteria that the law or issue be consistent with the Constitution of the United States!

Now, Chief Justice Roberts worries about whether the court will be seen as partisan.

Ginsberg believes a law should stand because she perceives that the public is ready for it.

Kennedy worries about the impact of rejecting a law because of its impact upon health insurance companies!

While the decision as to whether some law is truly Constitutional might be difficult, that is the ONLY basis for either accepting or rejecting a new law.

So, Roberts and Ginsberg and Kennedy, please remember that you are to see if every new law reflects the intent of the Constitution.  Other factors, such as whether new laws have an economic or emotional impact upon Americans was NEVER to be the criteria upon which laws are judged!


President Obama — Grubering Americans

We’ve seen scandal after scandal from Obama and his cronies.  NSA spying on Americans.  IRS stunting the development of Conservative non-profit organizations.  Lois Lerner responsible for harassing Conservatives and then, hiding behind the Fifth Amendment.  The IRS pretending to research Lois Lerner’s email accounts and finally, admitting they had not.  Our Ambassador and the brave security officers being killed in Benghazi and Obama claiming it was due to a video.  The Fast and Furious gun running debacle which killed at least one American.  Attorney General Holder refusing to provide Congress with supoened information.  The Obama administration repeatedly raising the specter of racism, even when none was warranted. And, on and on!

In fact, there are so many lies, subterfuges, obfuscations, and misdirections from our current President  that most Americans can’t even remember what yesterday’s scandal was!

There is no excuse, except the media’s complicity in hiding the Truth, for Obama to have gotten away with even one of the scandals.  All scandals are horrific and should be condemned.  However, knowing that Obama and his staff deliberately lied to Americans  about  Obama-Scare  because they knew it would not pass otherwise is criminal.  If Professor Gruber had not been caught  on video describing all these criminal acts, perhaps Obama would have gotten away with it.  After all, the media can be counted on to support Obama and to run interference for him against anyone who would question his acts and decisions.

Now we have a whistleblower in Gruber, even though he wishes otherwise.  Now we have Gruber, who was at the center of the formation of Obama-Scare, and who has admitted to deliberately lying to the American voter.  Now, we have video which provides an inner window into the machinations of a corrupt administration and corrupt Democrats in both the Senate and House.

And, what happened when the Truth about Obama-Scare and its corrupt formation was revealed?  What happened when one liar, Gruber, was outed by his own words?  Suddenly, no one in Washington knows Professor Gruber!  It is almost humorous to watch Obama and all his minions like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi squirm as they try to separate themselves from Gruber.  Unfortunately for them, there is video of them bragging Gruber and his policies up. When they needed his professional “expertise”,   Gruber was the economic guru they trotted out to support their views.  Now, when the lies are obvious, Gruber is their least favorite economist…….well, he would be IF THEY KNEW WHO HE WAS.  Ha ha.

Still, President Obama pushes on with his agenda.  He ignores all the scandals to foist yet another tragedy upon our country.  And, that tragedy is to go around Congress and implement his own version of immigration.

Saying that the system is broken and must be fixed is NOT  enough to warrant his rewriting the immigration laws.

Saying that Congress has had enough time to fix the law and has not does NOT justify his rewriting the immigration laws.

Saying that he has the right to implement executive orders is NOT Constitutional.

As a professed Constitutional scholar, he should know that Congress writes the laws.  His job is to accept or  veto those laws.  And, if Congress overrides his veto, and he still disagrees, then the Courts are to judge the merits of the law.

President Obama was RIGHT when he repeatedly claimed that, as President, he did NOT have the right to use Executive powers to change the immigration laws.

President Obama is WRONG when he now maintains that he has the ability to change those same immigration laws.

I wonder how Obama intends to deceive Americans about this about face in his thinking?  I’m sure he’ll find a way to lie his way out of any complications.  After all, when he needed someone to find a way “around” the American people on Obama-Scare, he found Gruber.

He had no problem lying to us before.  Why should he worry about Grubering  us once again?

Democrats and scorched earth policies…………….

Obama-scare is a huge failure.

Many of us who have lost our preferred health policy know that.  Many Americans with pre-existing conditions or terminal illnesses who have lost their health insurance know this.  Democrats who voted FOR it…..and who are now AGAINST it……………………know that.

And, because everyone knows that Obama-scare is a nightmare, and the majority of Americans disapprove of it, Democrats are running scared.  They know that they made a mistake by unilaterally ramming this bill through both houses of Congress.  They know, and KNEW,  that the law is unworkable.   And, they know that they might pay a political price in 2014 elections for having passed this monstrosity.

So, what do Democrats do?

First, they refuse to admit that the law should be repealed.

Second, they demonize anyone who makes a rational argument against Obama-scare.

Third, they demogogue those Americans who oppose Obama-scare.  Obama has publicly excoriated FOX news, specific FOX commentators, the Koch brothers, Republican senators and representatives.  Obama has attempted to make opposition to Obama-scare a racist issue by pretending that those who oppose the law are only racists who oppose HIM!  Republicans are called obstructionists because they OPPOSE A POLICY.  To a Democrat, Conservatives MUST be racist whenever they oppose a Liberal idea.

Fourth,  Democrats use any and every public event, and even the Senate floor, to demonize those who oppose Obama-scare.  Harry Reid even rebuked the Koch Brothers, conservatives, on the SENATE FLOOR.  In other words, Harry Reid has no scruples about using the sanctity of the Senate floor to insult and rebuke individual Americans who are using their resources to promote a conservative agenda. Unsurprisingly,  Harry doesn’t quibble when George Soros invests his vast empire to promote Lieberal causes.  But,in Harry’s world,  anyone who is conservatively oriented is apparently not allowed to freely invest their own political capital.


It’s obvious that Harry Reid and the Democrats are running away from Obama-scare like scalded cats!

It’s obvious that Democrats have NO legislation to be proud of because nothing they have proposed has helped Americans find employment nor to be safer and happier.

So, expect more diatribes from poor Harry in OUR Senate.  Expect Harry to forget that he should be an elder statesman, bringing legislators together.  Expect Harry to burn, pillage, and defile any and all conservative policies or Conservatives.  Because, the only way out of this horrendous mess for Democrats is to burn the House down.

And, if the earth is scorched, and Americans get burned,  as they march along to 2014 elections, Democrats don’t care.  Why?  Because………………..Winning and staying in power is all that concerns Democrats.

Sticks and stones…..and name calling

The debacle in Washington, D.C., which resulted in a “closing”  of our government was perhaps not the biggest deception pulled on the American public, but it certainly ranked up there.

President Obama obviously needed something to obscure the scandals that were in the daily news.  Benghazi?  Not his fault.  IRS illegally punishing Conservative groups by intrusive investigation?  Not his fault.  Obama-scare becoming an albatross around the necks of the American public?  Not his fault.  Our faltering economy?  Not his fault.  Unending unemployment at record numbers?  Not his fault.  CIA spying on ALL Americans?  Not his fault. The sky high National Debt?  Not his fault.  The worsening prospects for Americans, especially Blacks, and children?  Not his fault.

Nothing is ever Obama’s fault, but with the almost daily revelations of new scandals, Obama needed a scapegoat to obscure the need for  investigation into these scandals.  So, he created a scandal and blamed the Republicans.  The government was NOT closed.  Only parts of it were and those parts, like the open air memorials or the roads near Mt. Rushmore did not have to be closed.  In fact, closing these cost more than allowing our war veterans and heroes to visit the sites.

But,  the Republicans foolishly feel into his web and, once again, took the blame for a government “shut down”.  It was all too easy for Obama, thanks to a media that always provides a curtain behind which Obama can hide.  So, just like during his all his campaigns, Obama, and his Democrats, fell back on mud-slinging and name-calling in order to tar and feather Republicans!  It worked for Democrats many times before, and it worked again!

It’s humiliating to have a President who can’t control his own Administration and uses any method to get his way.  He claims he is a great uniter.  Unfortunately, his vitriolic name-calling has divided our nation as nothing and no one ever has before.  I hope future generations will blame him, as he should be blamed, for all the problems that come out of his time as our President.

He seems to be a childish man, full of accusatory gestures and refusing to accept that anyone else might have worthy ideas or ideals.  He is a first rate bully, though.  He thrives on controversy and name calling, branding the opposition as evil.

Children are taught to sing  ” Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”.

But, in today’s world, we know that words DO HURT.  Bullying is a child’s nightmare, but it occurs every day and everywhere.  We try to teach our children NOT to bully or call names.    But, how do you explain a President and the Democrats who bully those who disagree with them with nasty names, by pouting, and by throwing  a temper tantrum when they don’t get their way?

Unfortunately,  our President betrays himself, our country, and his own party, by bullying  Republicans, Tea Party groups, and anything remotely Conservative, with disparaging names.  He uses  governmental agencies to break opposition to his personal ideology.  In short, he lies, cheats, and steals.  He lies about the motives of the opposition.  He lies about legislation he wants.  He cheats by not admitting errors to the American people.  And, he steals from our children and grandchildren by spending money we don’t have.

It’s a sad day for America.  We expect sticks and stones from our enemies……..and, maybe even names.  But, from our own President?  We expect better of him.

So, President Obama seems to have gotten his way yet again by resorting  to name-calling instead of leadership.  Inevitably, though, Obama-scare will become a millstone on the backs of our children.  Will they begin to throw sticks and stones then?  Maybe not.   But, I bet they WILL START CALLING NAMES.  And, the first “dirty” name on their list will be President Obama!



Prohibition and Obama-scare

Pundits are predicting that Obama-scare can never be repealed.  They compare it to Medicare and Social Security because they are all programs that supposedly help Americans make good, healthy decisions.   The government is, in effect, telling all of us that we are NOT capable of making good decisions on our own.  The politicians believe that they  know more and can craft a better health system.

Unfortunately, just like the War on Poverty, most social engineering agendas do NOT work.  If they did, Germany would rule the world with Europe, Russia and China  as the supporting cast.

No, people who compare Obama-scare to Medicare or Social Security are wrong!  Obama-scare is the country cousin to Prohibition because prohibition was another social experiment meant to make all of us “better”  and “healthier” citizens.   And, the result of Prohibition was the growth in menacing bootleggers which created the mobs which frightened even the police of that era.   Violent crime flourished as the mobs gained control of the illegal booze industry.

Obama-scare will result in many of the same problems as Prohibition.    Anytime people want something, especially if it is free, there will be people who find ways to cheat in order to get that item. Crime will increase as people realize they can scam the system.  There will be illegal claims.  Illegal aliens will pretend to be Americans to gain free medical care.  There will be underworld mobs who help people cheat on the system.  We can expect a new criminal class to quickly establish itself, along with the violence needed to protect these illegal activities.

That’s what Prohibition should have taught us.

Regrettably, politicians are always eager to establish new taxing systems to give themselves more control over the voting public.  Their mantra is to take from everyone and give back to those who are most likely to vote them back into office.  Until people learn that nothing is ever free, even if someone else pays for it, politicians will keep stealing from the general public and “giving back” to their own gang.

But, maybe, after this behemoth Obama-scare program begins to cave from its own weight,  the American public will realize that we MUST get rid of it.

And, the lesson from Prohibition is that we CAN repeal any law we want.  So, let’s repeal Obama-scare before we lose any more trillions to another useless government bureaucracy!

I’ll drink to that!  Will you?






For all those of us who are against Obama-scare, I say “hurrah” for Ted Cruz!  At least he had the courage to stand up, literally and figuratively, to fight the establishment in Washington on Obama-scare.

Cruz-ing with Cruz might mean the end of that fearsome health care fiasco.

So,  Cruz on!