Tag Archives: obama

Syrious Business!

Freedom and Democracy are basic to America’s existence.  These key features of America have enhanced the lives of millions of the poor  And, because Freedom and Democracy are so intrinsic to everyone’s success, America promotes these concepts every chance we have.

That explains why, over the years, America has spent untold trillions to dislodge dictators.  We have sacrificed countless, brave souls to gain Freedom and Democracy for people in far-away lands.  America has always been the first, and best, bulwark against oppression.

And, yet, now, thanks to President Obama and his wishy-washy,  ambivalent approach to Syria’s problems, Russian President Putin feels free to claim America is NOT exceptional.  And, Putin is using the doubts that Obama’s inaction have created as a backdrop in which to challenge everything America says or does.  And, what does President Obama do in the face of Putin’s challenges?

You would think that Obama would send out a stinging retort!  Nope.  You would think that Obama would tell the Russkies  to stay out of the Mediterranean with their ships.  Nope.  You would think that Obama would tell the Russians to take their weapons out of Syria and JUST GO HOME!  Nope.

Instead, we have a President who vacillates.  He can’t decide if America should punish Syria’s Assad or “talk-’em-into-agreement” .   The longer he hesitates, the worse the problem becomes. As a professor, you would think that Obama might remember and undeerstand America’s history with Russia, and other dictators.  If he did, he could learn howPresident Kennedy, who  faced the same situation, responded.  Kennedy’s response to Russian weapons in Cuba was an unqualified “GET OUT” to Kruschev.

Obama’s failures are adding up, and like the snowball rolling down hill and gaining strength and size, his lack of leadership will cause other countries to continue to become more aggressive and less amenable to following America’s lead.  Obama’s failure to deal with Egypt’s problems, the Benghazi massacre of Americans, and now, Syria, is diminishing America’s influence in the world and……..thus, reducing our safety.  We need a President who speaks forcefully and carries out his own statements.  We need a strong military to keep us safe because  a strong American military is the only measure Russia, China, and the rest of the world understand.

So, President Obama should stop playing games, including golf and basketball, and get down to the business of defending America and its interests.  He had better take care of the NSA, CIA, Benghazi, and other scandals before cruising out for more golf and basketball, or yet another, expensive vacation with his family and dogs!  American safety is not a game and Obama had better start doing his job as America’s President, NOT the World’s Greatest Talking Head of State!

Here’s a scoop for Obama.  Syria, along with all the Mid-East and other scandals,  is NOT something trivial to be dealt with in your spare time.  Syria is Syrious business!

Less “bang” for the buck

For those of us who insisted that Senator Obama was too inexperienced to be President, the current fiasco of whether to bomb Syria  is not a surprise.

Obama’s holier-than-thou attitude toward those of us who believe that freedom depends upon being stronger than your opposition, his policy of appeasement in bowing to every foreign leader he met, his lengthy speeches denigrating our great country and his dismantling of our military might,  were only a prelude to future problems.  And, Syria is just one of those problems that Obama’s inexperience has created.

His inexperience shows, among many areas,  in how he deals with foreign countries.  Russia, whom Obama assumed would fall victim to his own great charm, now opposes everything we propose to control Syria.   China warns us not to meddle in Syria.  Even the tin pot dictators in Syria, and their legions of thugs, mock us.  Could our stature as a world power be diminished any further?  Oh, yes,  even the UN — that hot bed of  self-serving intelligentsia that we support financially — has decided that THEY will tell us IF we can bomb Syria!

Now, America faces a paradox.  Would it be best to bomb Syria so Iran knows we mean business?  Would it be better to NOT bomb Syria to prevent civilian casualties which are guaranteed in any bombing strike?

These are questions that America would NOT be facing if Obama hadn’t foolishly thought that he could persuade foreign countries to do his bidding if only he talked enough!  Remember that dictators only kow-tow to those they fear.

These are questions America would NOT be facing if Obama hadn’t tried to grand stand and create a Red Line.  Remember, if you draw a line in the sand, and the “other guy” steps over it, you had better be ready to fight.

These questions are the direct result of electing a completely unqualified man to the Presidency.  Remember, the truly great Presidents have been those men who were experienced in government, executive decisions, business, and the military.  Obama has NONE of those qualifications.

So, now, thanks to Obama,  we face a Hydra in the Middle East.  Bomb Syria and create uncertainty about which political segment will emerge victorious.  Don’t bomb Syria and embolden Iran and its nuclear program.  Let the UN with all its American fans decide what is right for America.  Let Russia and China push us around.  The only certainty is that  the result of Obama’s inexperience, hesitation, and uncertainty could well kill more American soldiers and definitely will kill Syrians….no matter what happens.

It is said that you get what you pay for.   Well, America has paid dearly and often for the follies of President Obama.   Syria is  just the latest of a long list and only time will tell how costly President Obama’s time in office will be for America.  But, one thing is certain.  With  Obama, America is getting far more talk and far less bang for its buck.

You talk too much……

When we were in our teens, there was a song titled:    “You talk too much.”

It could have been written with President Obama in mind because, the one thing that Obama does well is TALK!

Of course, he  also plays basketball, golfs, travels, and wines and dines the famous…..all at great expense on the taxpayers’ dime.  BUT, he does do one thing that costs nothing………and, that is…….he TALKS!  Despite having NO executive experience, he talked his way into the Oval Office.  He talked himself past the problems that plague our country, like High Unemployment,  a stock market run amuck,  a stimulus bill that never delivered, and, innumerable scandals concerning his staff and chosen aides. His attorney general, Holder, has a contempt of Congress charge against him and, Obama refuses to fire him.

Now, he is attempting to talk himself past even more scandals, like the IRS targeting American conservatives and using the power of the IRS to help re-elect Obama and Democrats.  He presides over the scandalous invasion of our privacy by monitoring our phones, internet and even, we hear, opening some of our mail.  He has nominated friends who, if they were ordinary people like us, would be in court desperately trying to stay out of jail.

And, always, our President talks and talks.  I am sick of his talk.  The promises of unifying our country, the vow to promote jobs for our friends and family,  his arrogant talk of how righteous he and his minions are.

The problem is that, while talk is usually cheap, the result of Obama’s loose lips has been to cheapen America’s worth…..  in economic events, moral authority, and even in securing our country against terrorism and foreign powers.

So, please, President Obama.  Just stop talking and start working.  Until then, this song was written for you, President Obama.

“You Talk Too Much”



(Joe Jones and Reginald Hall)



You talk too much
You worry me to death
You talk too much
You even worry my pet

You just talk
Talk too much

You talk about people
That you don’t know
You talk about people
Wherever you go

You just talk
Talk too much

You talk about people
That you’ve never seen
You talk about people
You can make me scream

You just talk
you talk too much



The Face of America

President Obama has lived a charmed life  without repercussions from his college days of smoking pot to being a  community organizer to being elected an Illinois senator and finally, to the White House.  And, then, within minutes of being inaugurated, he wins the Nobel Peace Prize!  All this despite his own admitted lackluster college career, and his short and unimportant stint as a Senator.

In fact, what has he accomplished, besides being the face of Black America?

Let’s be honest.  His main “accomplishment” has been to divide America into warring factions……fomenting hostility all in the name of political advantage.  Blacks are encouraged to hate Whites.  “Middle America” is taught to hate the  “rich” .  Foreign leaders see an obsequious American President who kowtows to anyone NOT American!   To Obama, our Constitution is NOT his moral compass because he  “goes around Congress” whenever they don’t do his bidding.  Our precious, fallen soldiers are political fodder for him, NOT the heroes to be praised and thanked…….UNLESS there is a political gain for him.   A murdered Ambassador, the murdered Americans in Benghazi are a casualty of his unending politicization of every event and issue.

So, now, Lieberals are suggesting that Obama’s face be engraved beside our truly spectacular Presidents on Mount Rushmore!


My answer is not only “no”, it is “HELL, NO!”

First,  the Presidents on Mount Rushmore have impressive accomplishments.  George Washington was our first President who helped form our country into a cohesive union against a stronger England.  Thomas Jefferson was our third President, of superior intellect, the author of our Declaration of Independence, and instrumental in the purchase of the Louisiana Territory.  Abraham Lincoln, 16th President, secured the union and not only recognized that Blacks were equal to everyone else, but he forced everyone to agree.   Teddy Roosevelt, our 26th President, had a photographic memory,  promoted the natural resources of America as well as being the Governor of New York,  and was the author of the Monroe Doctrine.

Compare that to Obama’s community fundraiser resume.  There is NO comparison.

President Obama is NOT the face of America….or, at least, he shouldn’t be.  The face of America is our Ambassador Stevens who was murdered serving in Benghazi and those heroic men who died fighting off a terrorist attack on our embassy.  The face of America is exemplified by the rows of white crosses at Arlington National Park and throughout the world in unmarked graves where American soldiers died protecting our great country.  The face of America is anyone who succeeds  because he or she has worked hard to improve himself and support his family.

Americans want the Face of America to represent the BEST of our country, NOT to be a political award, handed out to a guy whose claim to fame is pretty much  limited to his being half Black.  America rewards our great heroes so we remember our fallen warriors on Memorial Day.  We celebrate our country and its unique place in history on the Fourth of July while Mount Rushmore honors four of our greatest Presidents.  Let us not diminish the gift of Freedom these brave souls struggled to gain for us by trivializing Mount Rushmore just because it might be politically advantageous for a few moments.

If President Obama is truly a great President, then history will reward him with the laurels he so obviously wants.  If Obama is truly a great President, future generations will demand another memorial to him.

But, PLEASE, for once, let’s be cautious.  Let’s NOT give him another undeserved position, title, or prize.  Let us NOT carve any memorials to him unless the future shows he deserves the accolades.

Make Mount Rushmore reflect the true face of America…..brave, accomplished, and truly worthy of praise.



Thieves in the Night

When I grew up, Life seemed so much simpler.  Maybe it was just because I was a child and not aware of the conflicts of the adult world.  Maybe it was just that where I lived was more peaceful.  Or, maybe the world WAS simpler.

For instance, my parents knew that if they wanted to feed and clothe their family, they had to work hard and earn the money to feed the family.

It was a simple equation.  Work, earn money, and eat.  Don’t work and starve.  Anything else was charity and charity was just not “done”.

Today, thanks to the welfare state, the American taxpayer buys free lunch for everyone…..even illegal aliens.  And, no one seems the least big embarrassed to be on the dole.  Simple, but true.

When my parents scrimped and saved for the future, it was with the knowledge that it was THEIR responsibility to provide for that future.  Today, everyone expects their future needs will be met by the Government, whether they contributed to Social Security or not.

When we grew up, everyone worked.  Janitors, truck drivers, store clerks, and just about every job was considered important.  Professionals were regarded with trust and admiration.  So, bankers were trusted, important members of every town.  Doctors were respected for their valuable care of our aches and ailments and lawyers knew better than to earn money by chasing ambulances.  Today, bankers are demonized for events foisted onto them by politicians.  Doctors are being herded into more controlled medical environments while too many lawyers prostitute themselves in Congress passing unneeded regulations which hinder ordinary Americans and corporate America.  Today, too many jobs are considered “beneath” the American worker yet welfare is considered a “right.  Instead of Americans working for a secure and economically sound future, our society is splintered between the haves and the have-nots by an administration and media which foment class warfare, all in the name of political advantage.

In my childhood world, workers kept most of their income.  Government knew its place and stayed in that place.

Americans of yesteryear knew the importance of God, country, and family.  And, the government respected our love of God and country.  Government promoted family by not interfering in family matters.  Americans valued the Bill of Rights and all the privileges of being Americans.

Today, Government knows no limits to its powers, whether those powers infringe upon our rights or not.  Freedom of Speech is no more when the ACLU and Lieberals force everyone to follow Politically correct speech.  If someone, anyone, is offended, the ACLU and Lieberals are ready to suppress that speech.  Does the Catholic Church dare to adamantly insist on the rights of the unborn?  The ACLU and President Obama are ready to pillory those upstarts.  Does an American believe he is secure in his own home or yard?  Forget it.  The Government can spy on someone’s cell phone, mail, or even your outdoor activities with drones in the sky.

Where does it all end?  Is anything secure against the predations of our very own Government?  Frighteningly, there ARE monsters under our beds and in our closets.  And, those monsters are the politicians we thought we knew and loved.  Nothing is sacred and no one is safe any more while the Goverrnment is on the prowl for more money to give out….

And, it’s not just in America where Government has become too powerful and the rights of individuals forgotten.  After yesterday,   I wonder how secure the Cypriots feel?  Did they think that, at least, their bank savings were inviolable?  Well, think again.

Like thieves in the night, Cyprus’ government decided it could arbitrarily steal some of those savings.

Is that any different than President Obama and his Lieberal friends who propose to go “around Congress” in order to pass their own agenda?  Is that any different than our current administration filled with crooks who demonize those who disagree?  Is there a difference between the Cyprus government which openly steals the savings accounts from their citizens and our Government who steal, but less openly?

I think not.   We the People must oppose these thugs who come in the dark of night, or we will never recover the civil rights that our parents and grandparents had.  When government becomes the monster under the bed, we must turn on the light and chase them out of our bedrooms, homes and businesses.  Otherwise, these governments become even bigger and more corrupt monsters…. stealing their countrymen blind….just like Thieves in the Night.

Life and Death in Venezuela and America

Life with Hugo Chaves was akin to living in a prison where  every move, thought, and word were monitored by government agencies.   Venezuelans did elect this dictator, but you can’t blame them when the media hyped his every deed and gave him accolades, even when he acted in ways that benefited only him, and not his country.

Hugo Chaves swore to defend his country.  Instead, he instituted measures that served him well.  He was notoriously corrupt and arrogant.  He was paranoid , blaming others — specifically the USA — for his country’s problems.  He was undisciplined in his speech and enjoyed nothing more than the sound of his own voice, often making speeches of great length but little meaning.

Huge Chaves  became President of Venezuela with practically no executive experience.  He was little more than a community organizer….only his first community was composed of soldiers.

Hugo Chaves managed to separate his country from other countries who would have been his allies.  He created an environment where life was cheap and living was expensive.

The world will hardly miss Mr. Chaves.  And, Venezuela might be better off without him, too.

There might be relief, but never joy in the death of anyone, even a dictator.   However, given the choice, I wonder if Venezuelans would have preferred living without Chaves and his selfish, self-aggrandizing posturing?  Venezuelans might have told Chavez “don’t go away mad, just go away!”

Sometimes I feel the same way about our President.  President Obama, too, wants to control every American’s thought, word and deed.  He was re-elected, but the media was totally complicit in covering up any story that cast doubt on their favorite, Mr. Obama.

Obama swore to defend our country.  Instead, he treats every situation as a political choice, failing to protect even our ambassadors and their support staff.  Then, he lies, obfuscates and covers up his own indefensible actions.  Like Chavez, Obama loves to hear himself talk and gives long, dissembling speeches that merely politicize situations and further divide Americans.  Like Chavez, Obama came to the Presidency with no executive experience.

Because of this inexperience, Obama has not only divided America;  but, he has torn apart our alliances with countries like Turkey, Egypt, and even Israel.

Life in America has become more of a struggle because President Obama takes our tax dollars to reward his buddies and to control those who have views contrary to his.  Life in America is less valuable today because Obama supports abortion and rationing of health care for the elderly.  And, Life in America is far more expensive since Obama came into office because of his regulatory stance and refusal to allow honest jobs, like the Keystone Pipeline, to begin.

No one is suggesting that harm come to President Obama.  Whether we like him or not, he is our President and must be defended from physical harm.  But, I will be one of those cheering when he makes his exit in 4 years.  I just hope that America can survive that long with his Lieberal agenda which favors some and creates dissension for all.

In four years, more Americans will likely be saying to Obama:  Don’t go away mad.  Just go away!







If  President Obama’s speeches were translated into everyday, layman’s terms, everyone might have a better chance of understanding his true meaning.  So,  here are the translations of his comments:

1…Comment:  The tragedy at Benghazi, where 4 Americans — including our ambassador — were murdered , was the result of a video!

Translation:  There’s an election coming up, and I’ve claimed that the “war” with terrorism is over, so I have to blame someone.  I know.  I’ll blame a video!

2…Comment:  The tragedy at Benghazi, where 4 Americans — including our ambassador — were murdered, was the result of terrorism!

Translation:  Okay.  Catherine Herridge of FOX news caught us in a lie.  Let’s see.  I know.  I’ll pretend I said it was terrorism all along and blame  “them”.

3…Comment:  The middle class will never pay one cent more in taxes to fund Obamacare.

Translation:  I’ll hide all the costs by increasing taxes in ways they won’t notice.  A few dollars out of their paychecks….higher rates on dividends — hell, they’ll never notice that their pensions are losing value.

4…Comment:  I’ll have the most transparent administration in the history of this country.

Translation:  First, I’ll hire people with loose values like Geithner who didn’t pay his taxes….and, hey, I’ll have a VP who was known to plagarize (and, besides he is so dumb, he’ll do or say anything)………and, how about an Attorney General who hates whites and won’t prosecute voter repression if it’s committed against whites.    And, if that doesn’t work, I’ll blame Republicans for scandal-mongering.

5…Comment:  Unemployment will never rise above 8% if you pass this stimulus.

Translation:  Heck.  I don’t care what this stimulus does so long as it looks like I’m doing something about the economy!    Who cares if blacks, college graduates, and the middle class suffer.  They’re so gullible that they’ll vote for me anyway.

6…Comment:  I will always respect the Constitution of the United States.

Translation:  But, if anyone gets in MY way, to heck with that old piece of paper.  Catholic Church?  You’ll pay for abortions.  Banks?  Hell, you’re all scoundrels and deserve to pay for endless regulatory costs.  Wall Street?  So, you supported me in the first place?  To the devil with you.  Conservatives?  It’s all YOUR fault!

7…Comment:  I will always respect the Constitution of the United States.

Translation:  Unless it gets in my way.  Then, I’ll “go around Congress” if they don’t go along with my plans.  Remember that stupid Second Amendment about the right to bear arms?  Forget it.  Get rid of  people lawfully owning guns.  And, if anyone, like FOX news, or that jerk Limbaugh, criticize me and claim their Freedom of Speech rights, I’ll demonize them and insult them because the mainstream media are so dumb that they’ll support my viewpoint, no matter how stupid it is!

8….Comment:  Blame Bush, Blame Republicans, Blame Bush, Blame Conservatives, but, above all…..blame Bush!

Translation:  Blame Bush!

Obama and his “band” of fakers!

Obama is the greatest faker in the history of the United States.   Despite claims in his own book that he was born in Kenya, and without a credible birth certificate, he now  claims to be a naturally born American.    Without any  work or administrative experience, he maneuvered himself into the Presidency not once, but twice!  Without any achievements, he is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Without any evidence of experience, intelligence, or credentials, he convinced the media to cavil at his feet and to continually frame his administration in the kindest words possible.

Using the most criminally oriented advisers in the history of the United States, he has set the country on the course to an Entitlement Society.

He portrays himself as a a President who unites, yet, by his every word and deed, he is a divider.

He fakes emotion.  He fakes intelligence.  He fakes concern.  In short, he is the ultimate faker.

Is it any surprise that Beyonce,  the singer  at Obama’s inauguration,  would also fake singing the National Anthem?




Obama — NO respecter of Life

Today, President Obama claimed that he wanted to protect children.


“This is our first task as a society, keeping our children safe,” Obama said.

Someone should ask him why he would protect THESE children;  YET, he has instituted mass murder of unborn babies through his Obamascare and mandated that OUR tax dollars be spent to scrape these poor innocents out of the womb.  For these poor souls, there is no escape from a violent death!

Obama has always given a good speech.  It is a crying shame that he has no morals and that he is oblivious to  the moral standard, recognized by every civilized society,  that murder is a crime.  And, despite what those who claim otherwise keep saying, abortion is a crime because someone, the unprotected baby,  dies through the use of violent measures.

How can he claim to want to protect these children and yet forget that unborn babies are children, too, and are even more in need of protection?

Don’t let fancy words nor  a carefully designed setting with beautiful children fool you.  Obama is NO RESPECTER OF LIFE!



When do politicians stop campaigning?

Well, for Obama, it is one continuous circuit.  First, he campaigns — and wins — then he plays some buckets — then he might catch a round of golf — then he or his family take an expensive vacation–then he campaigns — then he plays more basketball — then he golfs — then he takes a vacation…………….

The concern is NOT that he is overextending himself in terms of work.

The concern is WHEN does he actually work?  WHEN does he stop to think about what is good for America, and NOT just what HE wants?

Based on his first 4 years, the answers are all in the negative.

He NEVER stops campaigning.  He NEVER actually works.  And, he SELDOM puts what is right for America at the top of his list.

Obamaesque…………..a study in self-aggrandizement.