Tag Archives: obama

Black and White in America….the 91%….


Racism is alive and well in America and, this time, it isn’t the whites who are the culprit.    Oh, no,THIS TIME,  it is the black community!

The Politically Correct crowd would deny such a thing could happen;  but, if you read this survey, that is the only conclusion possible.  Why else would the black community   give Barack Obama a 91% approval rating while the rest of the country is well below that approval?

Support among even young people is down: 57%. Hispanics: 55%. Moderates: 54%. Unmarrieds: 53%. Easterners: 52%. Women: 47%. Midwesterners and Westerners: 45%.

Men: 43%. Southerners: 41%. Independents: 40%. Marrieds: 39%. Seniors: 38%. Whites: 36%. Conservatives: 23%.

It is a blatant case of racism, except that no one will call it that because it is black people who are using race as a basis for judging someone. Blacks are simply supporting “one of their own”,  i.e., Obama . Maybe lieberals would like to call this racist approval rating something else, but it so “black and white”, that even they would have trouble  contradicting this conclusion.

It’s definitely black and white!

Is the Constitution Dead?


Our country was founded under the principle of  law and that NO ONE is above the law.  However,  Obama has never let the Constitution and our legal system stand in the way of promoting and enforcing his Lieberal philosophy.  He is willing to let tax cheats run our governmental agencies (Geithner comes to mind)  while at the same time he attacks Freedom of Speech (the minister in Florida and his Koran burning come to mind).  He attacks the Koran burning as “insensitive” and yet condones a mosque being built at the site of the Twin Trade Towers.  He says we will never be at war with Islam, yet he never protests when our American flag is dragged through the streets of Pakistan and other Muslim countries.

The President is not supposed to write laws.  He can sign a law into effect.  He can campaign for certain laws;  but, he is NOT  a maker of laws.   However, now, even though a huge majority of Americans want illegal aliens deported, and even though the law specifically states that illegal aliens shall be deported, the Obama administration has decided to use bureaucratic measures to keep illegal aliens here!

Maybe this shouldn’t surprise us.  After all, he rammed through Health Care, despite the public being adamantly opposed to it;  and he forced public companies to accept governmental controls in order to get taxpayer dollars.  He toured Europe with a “Hate America” campaign despite the millions of lives and dollars America has spent.  He willingly corrupts economic figures to convince people his policies are working when unemployment and new home purchases are obviously in dire straits.

Why do the rest of us have to pay our bills or face the bill collector, but Obama just keeps spending and spending and spending our tax dollars, even before we have earned them?  Surely no employee takes a job with the thought that he/she will be paying more for their taxes than they can keep for themselves.  But, this is what it has come down to.

Illegal aliens being granted a reprieve is just another in a long line of illegal acts by the administration.  Obama doesn’t feel HE should have to follow the Constitution and our laws nor does he insist that illegal aliens follow our laws.  Only those of us law-abiding citizens are required to follow the law.  Is this fair or even constitutional?

In fact, is the Constitution dead?



“I can’t wear my birth certificate on my forehead…..”

Say, what?

When the media was his best buddy, President Obama  was oh-so-polite and oh-so-pleasant.  Now, when the economy is failing, unemployment is rising and causing misery for thousands of Americans, Iran is going nuclear, anything Muslim is okay as is illegal immigration, even the Lieberal Media is starting to ask questions.  Obama has taken more vacations and played more golf than the times would seem to allow and yet, his spokesmen say he deserves a rest.  A rest from what?  Is he escaping the sea of his arrogant and bad decisions that are adversely affecting our country?  Is his golf game suffering because he has to play at President every now and then…maybe even give a speech or two?

His spokesman, Gibbs, has always been lippy and arrogant in his brush off of legitimate questions, but both of them got away with it because……….Obama is the President.  But, now, even Obama is getting chippy with his former admirers, the Media.

It used to be that Obama’s lack of experience was his principal fault.  Now, it appears that his bruised ego is making him less than cordial when asked uncomfortable questions.

Finally, the real Obama is showing up.

The Enemy at the Gates………

It’s good to see that people are finally writing and revealing the fantasy that President Obama is a uniter of Americans!  This was false from the beginning; but people clung to that ideal, even as more and more went wrong with America’s economy, standing in the world, and our military preparedness.  Even when President Obama bowed to foreign heads of state and further demeaned the Presidency of the United States, excuses, justifications and rationals continued to emerge.  The Lieberal media were bent on explaining away every faux pas of Obama.  They obfuscated and actually refused to report on stories that reflected badly on him.

Even the Lieberal media is beginning to admit that the enemy at America’s gates is none other than our own President.  Obama  has derided America here and abroad…derided America’s generosity….derided previous generations of Americans who died to save other countries.

This can’t be the change that voters so enthusiastically supported.  Why would a U.S. President hate the very country that he purportedly represents?

Why?  Because, as Ms Rabinowitz explains, President Obama essentially doesn’t like America nor American ideals.  And, he is hell bent on changing America’s course so far to the left that we will eventually keel over…into socialism.  Or worse, other countries will continue to expand their economies and weaponry, at our expense, until we can no longer defend ourselves.


The Alien in the White House

The distance between the president and the people is beginning to be revealed.


The deepening notes of disenchantment with Barack Obama now issuing from commentators across the political spectrum were predictable. So, too, were the charges from some of the president’s earliest enthusiasts about his failure to reflect a powerful sense of urgency about the oil spill.

There should have been nothing puzzling about his response to anyone who has paid even modest critical attention to Mr. Obama’s pronouncements. For it was clear from the first that this president—single-minded, ever-visible, confident in his program for a reformed America saved from darkness by his arrival—was wanting in certain qualities citizens have until now taken for granted in their presidents. Namely, a tone and presence that said: This is the Americans’ leader, a man of them, for them, the nation’s voice and champion. Mr. Obama wasn’t lacking in concern about the oil spill. What he lacked was that voice—and for good reason.

Those qualities to be expected in a president were never about rhetoric; Mr. Obama had proved himself a dab hand at that on the campaign trail. They were a matter of identification with the nation and to all that binds its people together in pride and allegiance. These are feelings held deep in American hearts, unvoiced mostly, but unmistakably there and not only on the Fourth of July.

A great part of America now understands that this president’s sense of identification lies elsewhere, and is in profound ways unlike theirs. He is hard put to sound convincingly like the leader of the nation, because he is, at heart and by instinct, the voice mainly of his ideological class. He is the alien in the White House, a matter having nothing to do with delusions about his birthplace cherished by the demented fringe.

Obama’s MAD!!!!


Obama told King he was furious that “someone didn’t think through the consequences of their actions,” and he tried to deflect criticism that he hasn’t shown enough emotion about the epic dimensions of the problem.

Oh, my!  President Obama’s MAD that the oil spill hasn’t stopped.   And even his touted personality hasn’t made any difference to the oil spilling out of the earth into the Gulf waters.

What to do?  What to do?

This is the problem when an inexperienced person is elected to the presidency.  He was a great candidate and convinced practically every single black person to vote for him, and a lot of Lieberals, and even many independents.  But, now, this crisis needs more than just talk and charisma.  Berating BP and telling the media how mad he is just won’t cap that oil leak.  Sadly, President Obama never was ready for the presidency and its crises, nor is he ready to understand that talk is still as cheap and useless as ever.

So, Obama’s mad.  Mad that he has a problem that is destroying his popularity among American voters.  He’s mad that someone can’t just fix the problem so Americans again laud the “great” Obama.

Well, here’s a news flash.  I’m mad, too.  I’m mad that Obama hasn’t a clue how to stop the oil slick from spreading.  I’m mad that he has used power plays and tactics that have created a national deficit for our grandchildren.  I’m mad that he tried to use the power of the presidency to sway elections in New York, Pennsylvania and now, Colorado.  I’m mad that he doesn’t understand that more taxation will cause MORE job losses!

And, if other Americans like me are mad now, just wait until election day!  Then, I hope Obama will be really MAD!

The Gulf’s slippery slope……………


During first 36 days of Katrina, Bush made 7 visits to Gulf Coast...

So far on Day 36 of BP oil leak, Obama has made 1 visit to disaster area...

Remember how the media and Democrats screamed about Bush”s handling of Hurricane Katrina?

Where are they now when President Obama ignores the oil spill in the Gulf and takes his second vacation since the spill began?  Where are they when Obama travels to California to raise money for Barbara Boxer and ONLY heads to the Gulf to assuage political pressure?

Maybe the debacle in the Gulf will finally convince  American voters that Obama is destroying our country and its institutions.   Under HIS watch, the economy has tubed.  Taxpayer dollars have paid for bailouts of the car industry, among others, and are now being proposed for the teacher’s union!  Under his watch, the stock market is tubing and people’s pensions are losing value.  Under HIS watch, a much too large percentage of Americans can’t find work!  And, under HIS watch,  all blame is attributed to his predecessor, George Bush.

And, under HIS watch, national disasters are ignored in favor of political “parties”.  It must be convenient to always have a scapegoat.  But, goats –even scapegoats — can be nimble and might jump out of sight  while the Gulf crisis might prove to be too slippery a slope for even President Obama!

President Obama’s record………..

President Obama’s record is appalling.  Here are a few facts he can’t dispute nor hide by producing his own video!

Unemployment rises to 471,000 :


Allows foreign nationals to criticize a state,  Arizona — onAmerican soil:


Though Calderon’s request received applause and a standing ovation from mainly Democratic lawmakers, Republicans criticized the Mexican leader for discussing U.S. laws.

“It was inappropriate for President Calderon to lecture Americans on our own state and federal laws,” said Senator John Cornyn, a member of the Republican leadership. “Moreover, the Second Amendment is not a subject open for diplomatic negotiation, with Mexico or any other nation.”

Calderon repeated his opposition to a new Arizona law that requires police to check the immigration status of anyone they suspect is in the country illegally.

Has ruined our economy:


The stock market posted its steepest drop since the anxious days of early 2009, as worries that Europe’s debt crisis would weigh heavily on global growth sent investors fleeing out of risky assets.


Friends and Enemies……..


“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” is an old saying.  But, what can you do if your own President is acting as though he hates his own country — OUR country?

Yesterday, President Obama implicitly conceded any and all rights of the sovereign state of Arizona to pass laws its citizens want to the Mexican President! How?   Even though Mexico is very restrictive to foreigners, Obama agreed with Calderon that the Arizona law was BAD.  Even though almost all of our problems with illegal immigrants is with illegal Mexican immigrants,  Obama played politics and  pandered to that ethnic group because he wants their vote.  What is Obama thinking?  Doesn’t he understand who are our allies and who are not?  Apparently not because, a short while ago, Obama  snubed Netanyahu, our firm ally in Israel, and then, as a further insult, gave  a state dinner to a man whose country is causing us so many problems in welfare, crime, and loss of jobs for Americans!

How can Obama not understand Arizona’s problems with illegal aliens?  How can he not stand up for Arizona which is one of the states he swore an oath to protect?  Unfortunately, this is all too common for Obama.  But, even worse is that neither Obama, nor his attorney general (Holder) nor his Homeland Security Advisor (Napolitano) have read the ten pages of the bill!  How can they  claim the law is anti-constitutional?  It is sheer arrogance and abuse of power by our highest officials.  It is negligence of duty of the highest order.

And, today, America was insulted yet again by President Calderon when the Democrats in Congress stood and applauded the Mexican president who again said the Arizona law is BAD.   What kind of a congress do we have that they would choose to reward a foreign president who is insulting  one of our very own states?

If they like the Mexican president and  Mexico’s laws so much, why don’t THEY move there?  The rest of us are sick and tired of our own representatives representing foreign countries and foreign countries’ interests rather than our own.   President Obama and his minions are overly eager to please foreign governments while at the same time, they have disarmed not only our economy, but our space program and also our military.  They have reveled in dissing America even while on foreign soil.  They routinely criticize American law and laud foreign law.  They allow terrorists to be “mirandized” — a unique privilege that should be reserved for citizens of this wonderful country.  In short, Obama acts like an enemy of America.  Is he friend or foe?

Well, would a friend continually disdain everything American or have complete contempt  for the Constitution of the United States or react gleefully when foreigners insult us is ?  I think not.

So, if they aren’t our friends, are they actually our enemies?   I believe that their actions and public comments prove that President Obama and the Democrats in Congress and Obama’s appointees are NOT following the Constitution.  And, even if  the old saying about friends and enemies is true…………………. I don’t want them anywhere near me!

Wiretaps… blaghggh


So if this were under the Bush administration, what kind of backlash would there be? Bush is reading our emails and invading our privacy. Frankly, I’m shocked at how two faced people are when it comes for their hatred of Bush and their support of Obama. Wait, I’m not shocked because it happens all the time.

Either way, this is pretty scary. While generally I don’t really care if anyone reads my emails, the fact of the matter is, where does it stop? Does this mean medical records will be open, or how about banking information?

– Mr. Knowledge