Tag Archives: Rush Limbaugh

Chinatown, USA…or, just USA?


What’s wrong with a politician of Chinese descent criticizing Rush Limbaugh for imitating the Chinese language or leader?

Well, for starters, the politician is an AMERICAN who happens to have Chinese ancestry.  What’s it to an AMERICAN politician if an AMERICAN talk show host criticizes a foreign leader?  After all, that’s what talk radio does.

Secondly, enough of this PC stuff!  It seems as though every special interest group wants the censorship rights to free speech nowadays.  The Democrats complained about bullseyes on maps, even though they had previously labeled maps in the same manner.  The blacks want a “Black caucus” and the “NAACP”,  but find the idea of a “White caucus” offensive.  And, now, politicians seem to think that even mimicry, if it’s of something they hold dear, should be apologized for.

There is a much simpler method of handling free speech of which you don’t approve.  Shut it off.  Don’t listen to it.  Tell others, if you like, that you find the speech offensive.  But, unless the speech is libelous or slanderous, the speaker has every right to speak and YOU (the complainer) have a right to complain, but NOT to demand that the free speech be censored, stopped, or even apologized for!

My gosh. All of us have been insulted at one time or another and most of us didn’t make a federal case about it.   Learning to ignore insults should be second nature to a politician, and probably, a useful trick for everyone. Let’s understand that some people have views we don’t like and that some people will say things we don’t like.  But, let’s stop the public grandstanding right there.

Rushing Rush

From the “now I’ve heard everything” book:   President Obama tells Republican legislators to not listen to Rush Limbaugh so “they” can get things done!  Well, he means so that they will toe his and the Democrats’ line.

In a blatant demonstration of arrogance, Obama tried to demoralize the Republicans by implying that they are puppets of a talk show host .  And, with that rude comment, he also hoped to  marginalize Mr. Limbaugh.  It was an absurd way for a President to act, but if you have watched the Democrats, you understand that they believe they — and they alone — have the right to say or do anything!  This was just the latest example of that philosophy.

This “we’re right and you’re wrong” attitude comes from the Democrats being  “me” driven and is why  President Obama does not understand that Republicans are united by a philosphy of individualism, self reliance, and a high moral standard.   If the Republican legislators and Mr. Limbaugh have common hopes, ideals and beliefs, that should surprise no one.  And, if a Democratic President attempts to divide his “enemy”, as he sees conservatives, that should surprise no one either.

Maybe with the SuperBowl approaching, Obama thought a pass rush on Rush would confuse Republicans.  But all of us have now seen how the Democrats play the game and we’re more than willing to call penalties when we see them.  So, I give Obama 15 yards on a personal penalty for taunting.    

After all, Mr. Limbaugh is a private citizen, not a foreign country or enemy combatant!   Surely Obama should be dealing with issues of state and not trying to destroy an individual!! So, while Obama won’t lose the ball because he is President, he showed the true colors of the Democrats  with that unsportsmanlike conduct!