The Gulf’s slippery slope……………

During first 36 days of Katrina, Bush made 7 visits to Gulf Coast...

So far on Day 36 of BP oil leak, Obama has made 1 visit to disaster area...

Remember how the media and Democrats screamed about Bush”s handling of Hurricane Katrina?

Where are they now when President Obama ignores the oil spill in the Gulf and takes his second vacation since the spill began?  Where are they when Obama travels to California to raise money for Barbara Boxer and ONLY heads to the Gulf to assuage political pressure?

Maybe the debacle in the Gulf will finally convince  American voters that Obama is destroying our country and its institutions.   Under HIS watch, the economy has tubed.  Taxpayer dollars have paid for bailouts of the car industry, among others, and are now being proposed for the teacher’s union!  Under his watch, the stock market is tubing and people’s pensions are losing value.  Under HIS watch, a much too large percentage of Americans can’t find work!  And, under HIS watch,  all blame is attributed to his predecessor, George Bush.

And, under HIS watch, national disasters are ignored in favor of political “parties”.  It must be convenient to always have a scapegoat.  But, goats –even scapegoats — can be nimble and might jump out of sight  while the Gulf crisis might prove to be too slippery a slope for even President Obama!

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