Threats, Threatening, Threatened

No one, and nothing, in this world is ever promised complete safety.

Since the beginning of time, the human race has faced threats. Threats came from other people. Wild animals and even the environment were threatening. From the day Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, we have been threatened by something or someone.

Today is no different and today’s world seems pretty scary. Russia bombs Ukraine almost daily. African mobs kidnap children and butcher innocent people. China is hovering over Taiwan and Kim Jung Un constantly plots against South Korea.

These are all real world dangers.

But, in American politics, another, maybe worse, threat has emerged. And, the impetus behind the threats in politics is the same as all the perils listed above. Democrats want power. Not just any power, but absolute power……….the kind of power where they control what we all do, say, or think.

Nothing is allowed to stand in their way.

Their tool is the media — a powerful tool because the media is almost completely governed by the Left’s ideas. Seldom are Conservative values which created America allowed to penetrate the story that the media spin. And, without the truth, our Freedoms are lost.

The Dems often say that President Trump is an existential threat to Democracy. Nothing could be further from the truth. The media is complicit with Dems and Libs when it fawns over the Left’s ideology and ignores the Conservative viewpoints.

The media is the real, existential threat that continues threatening Americans through reporting that promotes the Left’s ideology and not with the truth.

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